Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blogstorm, Blogsnob, Blogophobia

Blogosphere - The internet blogging community.

It's out there.  It's huge!  

When I first started blogging, I thought each blogger just posted their thoughts, feelings, and ideas on a website for all to read.  This is true.  But really, it's so much more than that.  There is a whole BLOGOSPHERE out there.  As I started to read other blogs and really get into what blogging was all about, I realized that blogging is a hobby, a lifestyle, a way of life. 

Yes, I am a blogger (a person who blogs). I write posts (individual articles that make up a blog) as often as I can. Piles of Pencils is an Edu-blog (an education oriented blog). I am not yet a blogoholic (addicted to blogging). My blogiversary (my blog birthday) is next July. I was recently introduced to blog hopping (jumping from one blog to another). 

These are all terms that bloggers used. You can find more blog terms here. You may be shocked by how many terms are out there that are associated with blogging.  I told you, it's much more than just an online journal.  

Third Grade is the Place for Me is hosting a Newbies Bloggers Blog Hop for new bloggers.  It helps new bloggers connect and network.  There are so many great blogs out there, and this is a great way to learn more about it.  

Part of linking up to other bloggers, is to share a little bit about yourself.  

1. What state are you in?  Pennsylvania
2. Your current teaching position. ESL (English as a Second Language)
3. Your teaching experience. Three years in 1st Grade. Four years in 3rd grade.
4. When you started blogging. I started blogging just a few weeks ago!
5. Share a blogging tip.  A great way to network is to leave comments and ask questions on other blogs.

I hope you link up and continue blog hopping with other educators!  Good Luck!


  1. I'm your newest follower! I have nominated you for an award! Stop by my blog to pick it up!

    1. Thanks Robin! I'm heading over to your blog now to check it out and follow along!

  2. I'm your newest follower, found you here on the blog hop. I'm a new blogger, too, so come visit me over at my place! You are definitely right about it being a whole new world out there! Love the community feel!


    1. Thanks Tamberly and I love your name! Im heading to your blog now! Keep in touch and good luck starting the year!

  3. Welcome to blogging! I'm your newest follower. Take a hop over to my blog for a visit!


    1. Thanks Kathy! Blogging is a lot of fun! I love connecting with other teachers and getting new ideas. What did we do before the Internet?

  4. Glad you joined my Blog Hop! Welcome to blogging! I'm following your blog :)

    Grade Three is the Place for Me!

    1. Thanks Janis! And thanks for hosting the Blog Hop! It's such a great way to link up with others. There are so many blogs out there!

  5. Wow - I never realized there was so much bloggy terminology! I'm new, too, so I'm still learning the lingo:)

    Teaching in Progress

    1. Nikki,

      Everytime I come across a new word, I feel like I have to look it up! It's amazing when my 14 year old nephew knows more of these words than I do!

  6. I have nominated you for a blog award! Go to my blog to check it out!

    Sixth Grade Scribbles

  7. I just found you through another blog! Come check us out sometime.

    Your newest follower,

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Im heading over to your blog now!

  8. Hi Stacey,
    I’m your newest follower! I LOVE your pencil and quote on your header! I may need to pin that, if you don't mind? I am a Newbie Blogger, so I appreciate all of the sharing of advice and ideas. Come on over for a visit sometime. Thanks!
    Corinna :)
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

    1. Thanks Corinna! I'm also going to check out your page! You can pin anything you would like on this blog. Thanks for stopping over and following.


  9. Hi! I just started following your blog. I wish you all the best! I also started my own blog a few months ago. I am a student soon to be teacher and hope to gain much insight from my fellow educators/edubloggers. In case you would like to take a peek at my blog it is:


